The intent of this website is not to address the incredible amount of evidence that indicates a Supernatural Creator of the Universe. That evidence ranges from the impossibility of atheistic evolution to the fine-tuning of the Cosmos. All the evidence supporting an infinite God's existence is covered adequately by many other sources, including many books and websites.
Even if one stipulates that an infinite God exists, this does not automatically mean that the Holy Bible's present-day version would be God's communication method with His Creation, ie. Humanity. Other religions also have holy books, such as The Moslem Koran and The Hindu Vedas. Also, consider Deism, which questions that the Creator even communicates at all with Mankind. So what would be the evidence that, at least in some way, the infinite God, or YHVH, has inspired the present-day Holy Bible?
I do realize that there is already historical evidence to show that the Bible is God's Word and that Jesus of Nazareth lived, died, and rose from the dead. But this website aims to provide additional logical evidence that the Lord God structured the Bible in such a way as to show beyond any doubt that He is its Producer from beginning to end. Understanding the underlining structure and symmetry behind the Holy Bible's Creation will increase the perception of YHVH's omnipotence and omniscience. Moreover, the critical biblical and post-biblical events turn out to be in symmetrical and logical timed sequences. There are six distinct one thousand year periods, each with its distinctive Evening and Morning. Furthermore, there are two separate major vertical events associated with the evening beginning of each thousand-year Day.
Three of the primary vertical events are precisely 1000 years apart. The other vertical events are still very close to the exact start of each 1000 year Day.
This scenario supports the biblical Principle of Duality and provides additional evidence that the Eternal Creator God is the Holy Bible's Author. When I was young, I wondered what the exact purpose of a movie producer was. The director, the movie actors, the cameramen, the scriptwriters, etc., were all essential. But Why did the Producer get the most attention? When I grew older, I realized that the Producer was the one who formulated the idea about the movie, financed the film, and chose who would fill all the other positions. I have concluded that the God who expressed the Bible is a lot like a movie producer. While God's employees are fallible, which is evident in the Scriptures, He is not.
THE MESSIAH AND THE THREE AGES But first, it is essential to mention the work of the late Dr. Ernest L. Martin regarding Biblical chronology. In 1989 he showed, according to the actual or literal biblical chronology, that there are precisely four thousand years from Adam to the Messiah's first coming. While Dr. Martin believed that the biblical chronology was actual or literal, he did say that it could be somewhat symbolic or ideal. The following is from table A from his paper "The Chronology to Prophetic Understanding, Part One," located on his website at askelm.com.
From Adam's year "one" to the 99th year of Abraham 2107 years
From Abraham's year 99 to the first year of the Exodus 430 years
From the year of the Exodus to year 4 of Solomon's reign, 480 years Add the remainder of Solomon's 40-year reign 36 years
Summation of the years for the 19 kings of Judah and their reigns from Jerusalem 393 years
Then add a "one" year period for harvest after the temple's destruction one year. Then add the prophetic period that comprised the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews when the Land of Judah observed its Sabbatical years of rest 70 years
Finally, add the 69 Weeks of Sabbatical Periods that reach to a Messiah (which should properly begin with the year called Cyrus "one") 483 years
____________________________________________________________________ Total number of completed years from Adam to the Messiah of Daniel is precisely equal to 4000 years Dr. Martin also discussed the ancient Jewish tradition of the Three Ages. The First Age lasted two thousand years from Adam to Abraham. That Age was followed by another two thousand years, representing the Age of Abraham and the Jews. Then began the present ongoing and now ending Messianic or Christian Age of two thousand years, which the Jews do not correctly comprehend. Finally, these three Ages are followed by a millennial reign of YHVH over the Earth, corresponding to the rest of the Sabbath Day. The following quotes from Jewish sources such as the Talmud represent this Jewish mindset and show that this tradition existed over two thousand years ago and is not just a recently contrived doctrine of this present Age.
"The world shall last six thousand years, and then it shall be destroyed. This world lasted two thousand years in the law of nature, two thousand years in the law of Moses, and shall last two thousand years in the law of the Messiah." (Talmud, tom, IV. tract. 4; Malvenda, Lib.II. chap.21.)
"Happy are those who will be left alive at the end of the sixth millennium to enter the Shabbat, which is the seventh millennium" (Zohar, Vayera 119a).
"Six thousand years shall the world exist, and one (thousand, the seventh), it shall be desolate, as it is written, 'And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that Day'" {(Isaiah 2:11); (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 96b-99a; Rabbi Kattina)}.
The Tanna Bebe Eliyyahu taught: "The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand, there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era" (Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 97a). By applying the universal Biblical Principle of Duality to the Genesis Creation account, each thousand year DAY within the six thousand years, and these three Ages, can have an Evening or Sunset along with a Morning or Sunrise. The vertical events involving Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Solomon, and the Messiah fit the evening scenario for the first five DAYS within and including the early two biblical ages. The two events associated with the beginning of each of these first five DAYS, involved some miraculous manifestation of God's power, energy, or Spirit from Heaven to Earth. However, two of the Evening events were somewhat negative: if you happen to be Adam at 930 years of age or a resident of Sodom or Gomorrah at the beginning of DAY Three. (Note that anytime that the word "day" is used to represent "a thousand years," it will be both capitalized and highlighted.) Next is Evening & Morning Paradigm.
Evening & Morning Paradigm The Fourth Age Christian Age Syzygy Summation
I do realize that there is already historical evidence to show that the Bible is God's Word and that Jesus of Nazareth lived, died, and rose from the dead. But this website aims to provide additional logical evidence that the Lord God structured the Bible in such a way as to show beyond any doubt that He is its Producer from beginning to end. Understanding the underlining structure and symmetry behind the Holy Bible's Creation will increase the perception of YHVH's omnipotence and omniscience. Moreover, the critical biblical and post-biblical events turn out to be in symmetrical and logical timed sequences. There are six distinct one thousand year periods, each with its distinctive Evening and Morning. Furthermore, there are two separate major vertical events associated with the evening beginning of each thousand-year Day.
Three of the primary vertical events are precisely 1000 years apart. The other vertical events are still very close to the exact start of each 1000 year Day.
This scenario supports the biblical Principle of Duality and provides additional evidence that the Eternal Creator God is the Holy Bible's Author. When I was young, I wondered what the exact purpose of a movie producer was. The director, the movie actors, the cameramen, the scriptwriters, etc., were all essential. But Why did the Producer get the most attention? When I grew older, I realized that the Producer was the one who formulated the idea about the movie, financed the film, and chose who would fill all the other positions. I have concluded that the God who expressed the Bible is a lot like a movie producer. While God's employees are fallible, which is evident in the Scriptures, He is not.
THE MESSIAH AND THE THREE AGES But first, it is essential to mention the work of the late Dr. Ernest L. Martin regarding Biblical chronology. In 1989 he showed, according to the actual or literal biblical chronology, that there are precisely four thousand years from Adam to the Messiah's first coming. While Dr. Martin believed that the biblical chronology was actual or literal, he did say that it could be somewhat symbolic or ideal. The following is from table A from his paper "The Chronology to Prophetic Understanding, Part One," located on his website at askelm.com.
From Adam's year "one" to the 99th year of Abraham 2107 years
From Abraham's year 99 to the first year of the Exodus 430 years
From the year of the Exodus to year 4 of Solomon's reign, 480 years Add the remainder of Solomon's 40-year reign 36 years
Summation of the years for the 19 kings of Judah and their reigns from Jerusalem 393 years
Then add a "one" year period for harvest after the temple's destruction one year. Then add the prophetic period that comprised the Babylonian Captivity of the Jews when the Land of Judah observed its Sabbatical years of rest 70 years
Finally, add the 69 Weeks of Sabbatical Periods that reach to a Messiah (which should properly begin with the year called Cyrus "one") 483 years
____________________________________________________________________ Total number of completed years from Adam to the Messiah of Daniel is precisely equal to 4000 years Dr. Martin also discussed the ancient Jewish tradition of the Three Ages. The First Age lasted two thousand years from Adam to Abraham. That Age was followed by another two thousand years, representing the Age of Abraham and the Jews. Then began the present ongoing and now ending Messianic or Christian Age of two thousand years, which the Jews do not correctly comprehend. Finally, these three Ages are followed by a millennial reign of YHVH over the Earth, corresponding to the rest of the Sabbath Day. The following quotes from Jewish sources such as the Talmud represent this Jewish mindset and show that this tradition existed over two thousand years ago and is not just a recently contrived doctrine of this present Age.
"The world shall last six thousand years, and then it shall be destroyed. This world lasted two thousand years in the law of nature, two thousand years in the law of Moses, and shall last two thousand years in the law of the Messiah." (Talmud, tom, IV. tract. 4; Malvenda, Lib.II. chap.21.)
"Happy are those who will be left alive at the end of the sixth millennium to enter the Shabbat, which is the seventh millennium" (Zohar, Vayera 119a).
"Six thousand years shall the world exist, and one (thousand, the seventh), it shall be desolate, as it is written, 'And the Lord alone shall be exalted in that Day'" {(Isaiah 2:11); (Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin 96b-99a; Rabbi Kattina)}.
The Tanna Bebe Eliyyahu taught: "The world is to exist six thousand years. In the first two thousand, there was desolation; two thousand years the Torah flourished; and the next two thousand years is the Messianic era" (Babylonian Talmud: Tractate Sanhedrin Folio 97a). By applying the universal Biblical Principle of Duality to the Genesis Creation account, each thousand year DAY within the six thousand years, and these three Ages, can have an Evening or Sunset along with a Morning or Sunrise. The vertical events involving Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Solomon, and the Messiah fit the evening scenario for the first five DAYS within and including the early two biblical ages. The two events associated with the beginning of each of these first five DAYS, involved some miraculous manifestation of God's power, energy, or Spirit from Heaven to Earth. However, two of the Evening events were somewhat negative: if you happen to be Adam at 930 years of age or a resident of Sodom or Gomorrah at the beginning of DAY Three. (Note that anytime that the word "day" is used to represent "a thousand years," it will be both capitalized and highlighted.) Next is Evening & Morning Paradigm.
Evening & Morning Paradigm The Fourth Age Christian Age Syzygy Summation