Theologian Clarence Larkin was the first person, to my knowledge, to divide the seven thousand year chronology of the Bible into seven separate one thousand year Days. Below is his chart from 1919.
**** {Clarence Larkin Chart} ****
Although this chart is incomplete, it is accurate, except for the Fifth and Sixth Days, which he called "The Age of' Grace'." Pastor Larkin perceived that the prominent Biblical characters found within the first two Ages, including Adam, Enoch, Abraham, Solomon, and Christ, are each symmetrically and appropriately separated by a 1000 year DAY. Even though the Evening and the Morning events are of Divine origin, they are fundamentally different in their application and structure. In contrast to the sunsets, which are vertical and immediate, the six-morning sunrises, with their prolonged or horizontal time frames, involve three major "Jewish" migrations and three worldwide catastrophes.
Even though Days Five and Six lay mostly outside the chronology of the written Holy Canon, there is still the same Evening and morning structure. However, the Morning of Day Six seems to have multiple events associated with it.
Days Seven and Eight are not part of this paradigm because Day Seven in the Book of Genesis has no Evening and Morning associated with it. The ambiguous and ethereal Day Eight lies outside the scope of the Seven Day weekly cycle. Days Seven and Eight are discussed here.
But when the Evening events combine with the subsequent Morning events, all these distinctions will become more apparent. Each Age is separately covered, but sometimes there are combinations of events that overlap and include a different Age.
For the morning part of my theory to be valid, historical events of significance should have occurred about 500 years after EVERY Evening start of EACH Day. Four of the Six Morning events were very obvious. But the Morning of Day One, which should have occurred about 500 years, or half a Day, after Adam's Creation; and the Morning of Day Five, which also should have started about 500 years, or half a Day, after the start of Christianity, were not so obvious.
Without these two missing morning events, the hypothetical Morning scenario would be incomplete and would not compliment the six dual Evening events. After a somewhat cursory search, accompanied by occasional prayer, I gave up looking for an answer. How I received the answer to my prayer is dealt with later when discussing the Morning of Day Five.
God recreated the surface of the Earth in six literal evenings and mornings, beginning with Genesis 1:3. Each Day had an evening, which required a sunset, and a morning, which required a sunrise.
Simultaneously, the 7000-year biblical chronology began to unfold. It is essential to realize that Creation Week's original Seventh Day had no Evening or Morning associated with it. No Evening for the Seventh Day at Creation may have implications regarding the end of the Sixth and beginning of the Seventh thousand-year DAY at the end of this Age.
It does seem that there are no clearly defined vertical events at the start of the first Evening as there are for the other evenings. It could be that the vertical events only occurred at the end of each thousand year DAY. However, in any case, the seven Day Creation Week and the 7000-year chronology began at the exact point in time at the beginning of the first Evening of Day One.
As I mentioned above, for a long time, Mornings One and Five seemed to have no appropriate events associated with them. But after the Morning of Day Five was unexpectedly resolved, which is explained below, I turned my attention again to the last remaining period of time, that to the best of my knowledge had no major biblical events associated with it. This "void" was about 500 years or half a DAY after the creation of Adam. As mentioned above, there are only twelve chapters in Genesis covering the whole first 2000 year Age, so any information concerning this time interval is somewhat limited. Moreover, it seemed to me that only one biblical passage could provide a possible answer, that being Genesis 6:1-4. Until recently, I had always held a rather passive interpretation of this passage which involved "the sons of God" being merely the sons of Seth. However, after studying the noncanonical books of Enoch and Jubilees, my understanding of this period of time has reluctantly changed and evolved. I had been aware of many Christians who believed that the "sons of God" were spiritual beings, also known in both the Books of Jubilees and Enoch as the Watchers. They believe that these spiritual beings came down from heaven and "somehow" produced the "mighty men which were of old, men of renown" {(Genesis 6: 4) The Companion Bible}. The Apostle Jude does mention in his Epistle the "angels that did not keep their place of power but left their proper home" {(Jude 6) The Expanded Bible}. Jude uses the Book of Enoch, which he quotes from in this Epistle, to elaborate on the first part of Genesis 6. According to the Book of Enoch, these angels that left Heaven or the heavens to come down to earth "caused much havoc" (Enoch x: xx). This event seemed to be the right candidate for the last remaining piece of the morning puzzle, and yet there is more.
The Book of Jubilees states that this event's timing was one thousand years before Noah's Flood, and occurred "in the days of Jared". This book also says that Jared's father, Mahalalel named his son Jared, which means "descending" in the Hebrew. Mahalalel did this because, during Jared's lifetime, the angels of the Lord descended to Earth. Mahalalel must have named or renamed his son "Jared" very soon after his son's birth, and before he realized that this "descent of the angels of the Lord" may have been less benign than what he had initially believed. Using the genealogy records from Genesis Five, we know that Jared was begotten by Mahalalel 480 years after Adam's Creation. Therefore, the Watchers' descent must have occurred very near to 500 years or half a DAY after the evening start of DAY One.
In addition to this, some Christians and most Jews do realize that a Biblical Day begins at sunset. But to my knowledge, most religions, with the exception of Christianity and Judaism, start the Day at sunrise about twelve hours later. If the "sons of God" were the angels "that left their proper home" and came down from Heaven to Earth, this logically would have been the time of the origin of the mythological and pagan religions. These "sons of God" or their "offspring" could have been the heroes or gods associated with the Greek and other mythologies. In the margin of Genesis 6:4 of his Companion Bible, Dr. Bullinger comments on the meaning of the word "renown"; "Hebrew. The men of name, the 'Heroes of the Greek Mythology' ".
This first Morning is the one Morning that these rebellious angels unknowingly fulfilled what God had already planned for them to do. God also used this method 3500 years later, when Satan was used to fulfill the Messiah's purpose at the beginning of DAY Five.
We shall now deal with the specific dual events at the end of DAY One and the beginning of DAY Two. During the middle of the first two thousand year AGE, these two events occurred about a thousand years after Adam. The main incident associated with the end of DAY One concerned righteous Enoch, who walked with God and was taken by God 987 years after Adam was created (Genesis 5:22,24). The 987 years is calculated using the genealogy from Genesis chapter five and is within one percent of being exactly one thousand years. The secondary event was the death of Adam, which occurred 930 years after his Creation. In order to fulfill Genesis 2::17 the death of Adam only had to happen sometime before the end of the First Day.
Even Adam's lineage, from Seth to Methuselah, excluding Enoch, lived between 895 and 969 years of age before dying, never quite reaching the boundary of a one thousand year DAY (Genesis 5). These lifespans indicate that God's one-thousand-year DAY curse applied to ALL Mankind when given and is evidence that one Day can mean a thousand years to the Creator. The Apostle Peter further confirmed this doctrine when he said, "One day with the Lord is as a thousand years and a thousand years as one day" (2 Peter 3:18).
On the Morning of Day Two, 1536 years, or a one and a half thousand year Day after the Creation of Adam, YHVH issues the decree that Man's days "shall be a hundred and twenty years" (Genesis 6:3). This decree was one of the many dualities spoken by YHVH. First, it signified a new maximum lifespan for Mankind. Second, it indicated how much time would elapse before the Flood would commence. Noah was selected to build the Ark because he had found favor with YHVH or the LORD (Genesis 6:8-9). One hundred twenty years later, Noah completed the Ark's construction, and the Flood began. (Genesis 6:13-22).
The Flood of Noah was the last major event before the conclusion of the First Age.
As mentioned before, only the first twelve chapters of the book of Genesis deal with the first 2000 year Age. These twelve chapters serve as an introduction to what will follow. The primary purpose of the Holy Bible was to record the events of the second 2000 year age, which involves the story of the descendants of Abraham and the start of Christianity, which focuses on Jesus Christ.
Abraham, the Father of the Faithful, was born in the year 2008 or Day 2.01. The first covenant that God made with Abram was on Day 2.07. "Now the LORD said to Abram, "Get thee out of thy country…And I will make of thee a great nation…and in thee shall all families of the Earth be blessed" (Genesis 12:1-3). The final blessing given to Abraham was made nearly 50 years later, "In thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice" (Genesis 22:18). So Abraham's birth and all God's blessings bestowed on him happened well within two percent of Day Number Three's start.
The secondary vertical event was the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah by fire and brimstone. "Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire, from the LORD out of Heaven; and He overthrew those cities, and all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities… (Genesis 19:24-25)". Besides the apparent reason to eliminate evil, YHVH symbolically cleansed the promised land for Abraham's future seed for the upcoming two thousand year Age. THE MORNING OF DAY THREE Then approximately in 1486 BC. which would have been the year 2537 After Creation, the Exodus from Egypt occurred. The Exodus was 1001 years after the LORD decided that the Flood would occur. While the Flood was a catastrophe, the Exodus was both a catastrophe (for Egypt) and a migration of the Israelites back to the Promised Land. This migration was the first of three migrations of Israel, each occurring on three separate Mornings. THE EVENING OF DAY FOUR
But what happened during the middle of the second AGE between DAY Three and DAY Five? The beginning of DAY Four occurred during the United Kingdom of Israel during King Solomon's reign. At that time, YHVH, or the Eternal God, appeared to Solomon in a vision and said, "Ask for whatever you want me to give you" (2 Chronicles 1:7). Because Solomon only asked for wisdom and knowledge to govern the Nation of Israel justly, the LORD God made Solomon the wisest man of all time (I Kings 3: 12). But in addition to this, YHVH promised the following to Solomon, "... I will also give you more wealth, riches, and honor (fame) than any king who has lived before you or any who will live after you" {(2 Chronicles 1: 12) Expanded Bible}. We know today that at the least the part of the Prophecy about his fame did come true! A few years later, the signature event of DAY Four occurred. That was the completion and dedication of Solomon's Temple, at which time Supernatural fire came down from Heaven and consumed the prepared sacrificial offering (2 Chronicles 7: 1-3). This specific miracle occurred 487 years or half a DAY after the Exodus from Egypt, which was at the Morning of DAY Three (I Kings 6: 1, 38).
No one can dispute the fact that the completion of the Temple and the LORD God's excellent and unique gifts bestowed on Solomon, happened at the apex of the physical Kingdom of Israel. Moreover, these happened precisely midway through the second Two Thousand Year AGE from about 977 to 970 BC. Soon after Solomon's death, the United Kingdom of Israel divided and deteriorated, ultimately resulting in captivity. MORNING OF DAY FOUR About five hundred years after Solomon or half a DAY, at the Morning of DAY Four, the Seventy Weeks Prophecy started when Cyrus the Great issued the decree allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. This decree was nine hundred ninety years after the Exodus, or around the year 3537 AC. According to the Bible's literal or ideal chronology, 483 years or 69 weeks of years later, the Messiah would be cut off at precisely the year 4000 AC or the Evening of DAY Five (Daniel 9: 24-27). THE THIRD AGE (GRACE) also see CHRISTIAN AGE SYZYGY THE EVENING OF DAY FIVE The Evening of DAY Five is the most clearly defined EVENING of them all. The birth of Jesus the Messiah occurred just before the beginning of DAY Five on September 6, 2 BC. Then precisely 4000 years after the Evening of the first DAY started, in 27 AD, Jesus of Nazareth revealed himself to be the Messiah. Later, in the year 4003, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's descent took place. MORNING OF DAY FIVE Even with four of the morning events established, the morning scenario was still missing two pieces, one that should have occurred 500 years, or half a DAY, after Adam's Creation; and the other 500 years, or half a DAY, after the start of Christianity. Without these two missing morning events, the hypothetical morning scenario was incomplete and could not appear with the six dual evening events. After a brief and superficial search, I gave up looking. Many months passed. Then in 2014, I was casually watching an episode from the Science Channel series "How the Earth Works," which was entitled "Can Krakatoa stop time." This program proceeded to make the case that the largest volcanic eruption in recorded history occurred in 535 AD, near the island of Krakatoa, located in Indonesia. This program gave evidence that this supervolcanic eruption caused a worldwide catastrophe and was the primary catalyst that produced the Dark Ages. Hence, the evidence that I had decided did not exist and had given up trying to locate was exposed to me! Subsequent research yielded the following additional information concerning the Morning of DAY Five.
In "Super Volcano! History's Greatest Secret Global Cataclysm in 535 AD" Michael Reife wrote: "And the greatest secret of history, what you were never taught at school or college, is that our planet had a global catastrophe in living memory, in 535 AD. You won't find this information elsewhere on the internet either. Something happened which caused the light of the sun to be dimmed greatly around the globe for 18 months. During this time, many trees did not grow at all. This event was followed by 30 years of unprecedented droughts and some flooding. This caused the death of a vast percentage of the population through starvation and disease. It is likely that the cause of this catastrophe was the eruption of the supervolcano, Krakatoa.
(Note: The term "Supervolcano" is used for a volcano with hundreds of times the power of any that we have visually recorded in the past few hundred years. Use the term 'supervolcano' for further research)."
In the introduction to his book "Catastrophe", David Keys wrote: "It was a catastrophe without precedent in recorded history: for months on end, starting in A.D. 535, a strange, dusky haze robbed much of the earth of normal sunlight. Crops failed in Asia and the Middle East as global weather patterns radically altered. Bubonic plague, exploding out of Africa, wiped out entire populations in Europe. Flood and drought brought ancient cultures to the brink of collapse. In a catastrophe matter of decades, the old order died, and a new world? essentially the modern world as we know it today began to emerge." You can be sure that none of the above three sources were aware of me or my biblical Morning hypothesis, especially this part concerning the Morning of DAY Five. Subsequent research has indicated that another supervolcano erupted in 537 AD. in Central America, also near the equator. Together, these two supervolcanos would have unleashed a powerful "one-two punch" that would further explain this catastrophe's widespread impact on the Morning of DAY five!
However, when it came to the Evening and beginning of DAY Six, which was a thousand years after The Messiah's First Coming, there seemed to be a serious and fundamental problem. Most Christians believe that the Biblical Canon's completion occurred in the late first century, and Revelation 22:18 seems to confirm that. Furthermore, the glorified Christ Jesus, the Head of the Church, was not on Earth anymore but in Heaven, at the Father's right hand, at least officially.
It was becoming quite apparent to me that nothing on Earth had been spectacular enough for this particular time to qualify as the Evening event for DAY Six, which should somehow adequately represent the midway point between the Savior's two Comings. It was crucial for something unique and significant to have occurred, or the whole Evening hypothesis would be incomplete. The only solution was to search the astronomical record regarding the heavens for a possible answer. What I discovered was one of the most beautiful inspirations of my life.
Although aware of the well-known supernova of 1054 AD, I had not realized that it was the second brightest stellar event in recorded history. The timing of this supernova was somewhat unusual. Naturally, I wondered what celestial event was number one. That turned out to be the supernova that had occurred just 48 years earlier in 1006 AD. After a few seconds, the significance of these two supernovae had become apparent to me.
The two brightest astronomical events in recorded history occurred in 1006 and 1054 AD, which averages to 1030 AD. 1030 A.D. would be precisely a thousand years after the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit's coming on the Day of Pentecost, those being the two vertical evening events that started the Two Thousand Year Christian AGE!
When I first became aware of these two supernovae and the timing of their appearances, I had not yet realized that there were two events associated with each Biblical Evening. So the fact that there were two and not one supernovae was even more spectacular than I had initially realized.
The first supernova in 1006 AD was visible mostly in the Southern Hemisphere, while the second supernova in 1054 AD was primarily visible in the Northern Hemisphere. These two supernovae signaled the start of DAY Six and marked the midway point between the First and Second Comings of the Messiah. Both originated in different parts of the galaxy within a thousand years of each other about 8000 years ago. If this was just a coincidence, it was a marvelous and spectacular one and should be of interest even to non-believers.
There are no other stellar events in recorded history that could give more glory to Jesus Christ than these two supernovae, and incredibly the world is unaware of their significance.
Special Note: The spectacular conjunction of Jupiter and Venus, which also was a unique partial eclipse involving these two planets, occurred on 6-17-2 B.C., shortly after the Savior's birth on 9-6-3 B.C. This conjunction, which probably was associated with the Star of Bethlehem, also contributed significantly to the glory of Jesus Christ (Under "books," watch "The Star of Bethlehem" at askelm.com). However, this conjunction was nowhere near as bright as either of the two supernovae under discussion.
The following table of supernovae is from Wikipedia. Study it, and you be the judge concerning the above mentioned two supernovae. Be aware that the lower the "apparent magnitude," the higher the brightness. WIKIPEDIA LIST OF SUPERNOVAE (abridged & condensed) SUPERNOVAE APPARENT DISTANCE (YEAR) MAGNITUDE LIGHT YEARS SN 185 -4(?) 8,200 varies from +4 to -8. Some suggest it was a cometSN 385 +1.5 14,700 SN 393 -0 34,000 SN 1006 ** -7.5 7,200 Widely observed on Earth, in apparent magnitude, the brightest stellar event in recorded history.SN 1054 ** -6.0 6,500 Crab Nebula with its pulsarSN 1181 -0 8,500 SN 1572 * -4.0 8,000 Tycho's Nova SN 1604 * -3.0 14,000 Kepler's Star, most recent ...visible.... nova within Milky Wa Between 1680 and 1986, there were nine supernovae recorded, none being higher than +5 apparent magnitude. SN 1987A +2.9 160,000 (Since 1987, no supernova higher than +10.8 apparent magnitude).
THE MORNING OF DAY SIX On the morning of DAY Six in 1492, the Jews were forcibly expelled from Spain and started to immigrate back to areas near and around the Holy Land with Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II's help. The following is from HistoryofInformation.com and is the article "Sultan Bayezid II Welcomes Jewish Refugees from Spain; 8/1492";
"In response to the Alhambra Decree, expelling the Jews from Spain by July 31, 1492, Sultan Bayezid II sent the Ottoman navy under the command of Kemal Reis to Spain in order to save Jews who were expelled. 'He sent out proclamations throughout the empire that the refugees were to be welcomed. He granted the refugees permission to settle in the Ottoman Empire and become Ottoman citizens. He ridiculed the conduct of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile in expelling a class of people so useful to their subjects. 'You venture to call Ferdinand a wise ruler,' he said to his courtiers ? 'he who has impoverished his own country and enriched mine!' Bajazet addressed a firman to all the governors of his European provinces, ordering them not only to refrain from repelling the Spanish refugees but to give them a friendly and welcome reception. He threatened with death all those who treated the Jews harshly or refused them admission into the empire. Moses Capsali, [Chief Rabbi of the Ottoman Empire], who probably helped to arouse the sultan's friendship for the Jews, was most energetic in his assistance to the exiles. He made a tour of the communities and was instrumental in imposing a tax upon the rich, to ransom the Jewish victims of the persecutions then prevalent'" (Wikipedia article on Bayezid II, accessed 09-12-2 ) This immigration of the Jews was one of the two events during the first of the four "end of the age" Holy Day Tetrads, which began with the four lunar eclipses of 1493 & 1494.
Now notice the following dualities, starting with this 1493 & 1494 tetrad. As Columbus sailed west to "discover" the New World, which would later provide a haven for both persecuted Jews and Christians, he saw the Jews who were being expelled from Spain, sailing east on their way to safety in the Ottoman empire. Afterward, in 1517, many of these immigrant Jews resettled in Jerusalem after the Ottoman Empire finally captured it. But notice, according to many of its founding fathers, the United States of America started as a Christian nation. Now recall that the Apostle Paul, when referring to Christians, said, "He is a Jew, which is one inwardly" (Romans 2:29). If this is true, then Christians are spiritual Jews. This "Christian" nation would then be linked with the four Holy Day Lunar Tetrads and many biblical prophecies that also pertain to the Nation of Israel. Remember that while many enemies of the Jews have referred to Israel as "Satan," those same enemies have referred to the United States specifically as the "Great Satan."Read more about the Biblical Principle of Duality here. According to the Nasa website, these four end-time Holy Day Tetrads are the more pronounced and luminous, if observed within the United States, than any other series of four consecutive lunar tetrads in the last 4,000 years. I know this fact after many hours of research on their website. A similar series of four tetrads, as seen from Palestine, did occur in the fifteenth century BC, which coincidentally happened to be around the Israeli Exodus from Egypt. See this page to connect the four end time Holy Day Tetrads and the Age of Grace Syzygy. But the main event of the Morning of DAY Six occurred in 1537 AD, which began a second fulfillment of the 70 Weeks Prophecy of the book of Daniel. At this time, another decree was issued to rebuild Jerusalem's walls, but not by Cyrus the Great, but by Bayezid's grandson Sultan Suleiman the Magnificient. In another lecture by Dr. Martin from 1989 entitled "New Discoveries in Chronology and Prophecy, side two," he gives specific details concerning this event, which he believes might lead to the coming of the false Messiah 490 years later. The false Messiah's appearance would be just three and one-half years before the actual Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the true Messiah. It is possible that the defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588, which led to the demise of Spain as the world's number one superpower, may have been divine retribution for what Spain had done to the Jews nearly a century before during the Inquisition and their forced emigration. I must mention this because the third and fourth brightest supernovae, which occurred in 1572 and 1604, just happen to average to that year of the Spanish Armada's defeat, 1588! Even to the casual observer, the pairing of these two supernovae seems to be quite extraordinary. Please refer to WIKIPEDIA LIST OF SUPERNOVAE and notice that except for possibly SN185 and definitely since 200 AD, there have been no other supernovae that are within three magnitudes of these two supernovae, EXCEPT for the largest two at the beginning of DAY Six over 500 years or half a DAY earlier.
Conspicuously there is no evening or morning mentioned after YHVH had rested on the Seventh Day (Genesis 2:2-3). This lack of an Evening at the start of DAY Seven may have future implications regarding the end of the Sixth DAY and the Seventh Day's beginning. The primary vertical event that will take place at the start of Day Seven is, of course, the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth and the First Resurrection. This event is the main topic throughout the book of Revelation. Moreover, in addition to the return of Jesus Christ, a total solar eclipse happened in 2015 that could represent the Seventh Day's secondary vertical event. The chapter on the Christian Age Syzygy and this video cover the details of this fascinating occurrence. The Fourth Age Summation
Conspicuously there is no evening or morning mentioned after YHVH had rested on the Seventh Day (Genesis 2:2-3). This lack of an Evening at the start of DAY Seven may have future implications regarding the end of the Sixth DAY and the Seventh Day's beginning. The primary vertical event that will take place at the start of Day Seven is, of course, the return of Jesus Christ to the Earth and the First Resurrection. This event is the main topic throughout the book of Revelation. Moreover, in addition to the return of Jesus Christ, a total solar eclipse happened in 2015 that could represent the Seventh Day's secondary vertical event. The chapter on the Christian Age Syzygy and this video cover the details of this fascinating occurrence. The Fourth Age Summation